Category: General

  • Welcome to the Matrix

    Hi COmmunity! I proudly announce our newest service: Matrix. If you want to join our new open source decentralized COmmunitcation channels feel free to do so. Our client is hosted at or you can join public rooms or spaces at from your favorite matrix home server. Have fun, cheersLuke

  • Scheduled Maintenance

    Hi Members! We need to do some upgrades in our cluster infrastructure, please be patient and expect some outages in the next few weeks. Sorry for that inconvenience! cheers luke

  • Relaunch

    Hi COmmunity Members! We finally managed to migrate our repositories to our new and own infrastructure. Yeah! Check out In the course of this we also improved our homepage at where you can find detailed information on our new services and a brand new “donation” button if you like to support us. Have…

  • Docker login required

    We decided that from now on you will require to log in if you want to use our docker registry. We apologize for that, but security concerns made this step necessary. Please contact us if you need access to our registry. This world is not always that nice place with only nice people I wish…

  • New Keycloak in CAMPUSonline Community Cloud

    Keycloak has been updated. Please adopt paths in your application: is now remove the prefix /auth in your application settings. Cheers luke

  • New Release 1.4.0 is out now.

    New COnX-Release with Java 17 and Quarkus 2.12.0.Final.

  • New Release 1.3.0 is out now.

    Checkout our Migration Guide, have fun

  • Ask the community

    We know present where you can ask everything we might be able to answer 😉 Preferably development question in context of your university or around COnX development. Have fun. cheers luke

  • Let’s get started

    New video to get everyone started have been uploaded in our famous COnX-Info Repository. Check it out at Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help

  • Welcome

    After a nice Workshop at the UGT this is a reminder where to find all the cool stuff around COnX Development. You can start by checking out our fabulous “Info” Repository at Latest COnX Release is 1.2.0, see current community generated examples in and